

About Sesame Bankhall Group

Sesame Bankhall Group (SBG) provides services to financial advisers across the UK, supporting them in their ongoing learning and development and providing them with access to the market’s leading mortgage and insurance products, so that they can continue to deliver the best possible outcomes for you – their customers.

Your adviser’s relationship with SBG

If your adviser is directly authorised

SBG offers services to advisers and firms that are regulated directly by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) through Bankhall and PMS. If you adviser is directly authorised, then their relationship with SBG is primarily support-based, and although your adviser or their firm may receive recommendations for best practice from Bankhall and PMS, these advisers are ultimately responsible for their own compliance with financial regulation.

So if your adviser is directly authorised, then if you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding their conduct you will need to go through the channels and processes outlined by your adviser and their firm directly.

If your adviser is an appointed representative of Sesame

In addition to supporting directly authorised advisers, SBG is also home to Sesame, a network of mortgage, protection and insurance advisers who are appointed representatives of Sesame. So if your adviser is a member of the Sesame network this means they are subject to Sesame’s rules and regulations which have been developed to not only meet, but where possible, to exceed the expectations of the FCA, and that it is Sesame who is ultimately responsible to the regulator for advisers’ conduct.

We take our responsibility to our advisers’ customers very seriously, and are committed to ensuring that all our policies, processes and procedures have your best interests at heart. We work hard to ensure that all our members are as committed to the delivery of high quality advice as we are and all our advisers undergo continuous training, development and monitoring.

If your adviser is an appointed representative of Sesame and you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding their conduct, then please contact SBG directly at [email protected]

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Copyright 2025 by SBG - Sesame Bankhall Group