SBG accreditations

SBG accreditations

Our Memberships, Accreditations and Charity Partners

Click the logos to jump down the page and read more

 Living Wage employer logo.

The Employer’s Initiative on Domestic Abuse (EIDA)

As a member of EIDA, we pledge to raise awareness of domestic abuse and create a safe, supportive workplace.

Visit E.I.D.A.
Women in Finance Charter logo

Fertility Ambassadors

Nickie Aiken MP has joined forces with national charities and organisations to write and launch the landmark “Fertility Workplace Pledge” — it comes as 3.5 million people in the UK are struggling to conceive naturally, and treatment such as IVF is emotionally draining, costly, there are risks of complications, and it can be a long process.

At SBG, we have support in place for colleagues that may be facing fertility struggles and have taken the Fertility Workplace Pledge as a sign of our support.

Join the Fertility Workplace Pledge
TYCIA Foundation logo

Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter

We are a signatory of the Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter which aims to help finance businesses to better support their staff with mental health.

Visit Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter
Coldhandswarmheart logo
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